Regression Therapy, Gestalt Therapy, Trainings, Aikido



Why Regression Therapy – a movie about Past Life Therapy method

Why Regression Therapy is a movie produced by EARTh (Earth Association for Regression Therapy), that I’m also a member since 2008. The purpose of this documentary is to popularize the Past Life Therapy method that is a holistic regression therapy…

Articles Regression Therapy

Soul Attachments and Past Life Therapy

In a previous article I presented a few introductory concepts about Past Life Therapy. It’s now time to go deeper into this subjects with a very delicate matter – the one of soul attachments. We’ll start with the case of…

Articles Regression Therapy

Introduction to Past Life Therapy

The field of psychotherapy in Romania provides little information on regression therapy (Past Life Therapy), but we do not believe it is directly connected with the Christian Orthodox religious orientation which actually opposes the existence of past lives. In most…


Book: Soul Fragmentation. Consequences and the Reintegration of Lost Parts

Price: 10 Euro How to purchase: for the e-book (pdf) version please visit (click on) EARTh’s e-shop or you can directly contact me for more details. (EARTh stands for The Earth Association for Regression Therapy) I. Book Description The book approaches the issue of trauma from…



I started this website in order to share with you part of my passions and interests. You will find here articles and books about the spiritual disciplines and therapies that I practice (especially about Past Life Therapy), information about the…