Regression Therapy, Gestalt Therapy, Trainings, Aikido

Articles Regression Therapy

Introduction to Past Life Therapy

The field of psychotherapy in Romania provides little information on regression therapy (Past Life Therapy), but we do not believe it is directly connected with the Christian Orthodox religious orientation which actually opposes the existence of past lives.
In most cases, be they specialists or not, people do not clearly distinguish between the experience of a past life regression which is more like a spiritual journey that can sometimes occur spontaneously, with or without the assistance of a facilitator more or less specialized and the regression therapy, a certified therapeutic method recognized and acknowledged at European and international level, in which the patient is guided, supported and accompanied in a process of emotional and spiritual healing, as in any other form of psychotherapy, by a therapist specialized in this method.

It is of high importance the distinction concerning the fact that classical psychology normally works with the patient’s physical, emotional and respectively mental Self, while the psychotherapy focused on regression methods (Past Life Therapy, Timeline Healing – Rachele, S., 2013) or on temporal connection with the future self that is full of resources (Future Timeline Linking) can access healing areas up to the level of the causal body.

Past Life Therapy is a holistic regression therapy helping us to access and heal the moments of the past when the traumas that led to our present problems took place. The traumatic event can be in the past of this life when we were children, at birth, during fetal development or at conception. But many times, the cause is deeper, in a past life or even during the life between lives (“Souls’ World”).
No matter what moment the patient is shown, the exploration will be strictly made for a therapeutic purpose and focused on a clear objective, in accordance with the working direction chosen in the interview and not out of curiosity. Another important element is that the patient himself/herself also has the solution to the problem; the therapist is just guiding him/her and is present near him/her the moment he/she is going to access the healing at soul level.

In PLT the symptoms are called “charges” and they represent the way in which an unhealed trauma from the past of current life or from a past life can be manifested in the three bodies of the Ego/Personality (for more details on the Self’s lower bodies please read Chirea, V., 2014, page 24 – 29). They make the bridge leading us to a past life (Bridge Technique) and here are some examples:
Physical charges: cold, cramps, discomfort, exhaustion, dirt, heat, hunger, pain, paralysis, bad smell, thirst.
Emotional charges: despair, disgust, dislike, envy, fear, grief, guilt, hatred, helplessness, jealousy, loneliness, anger, resentment, disgust, shame.
Mental charges: anesthesia, confusion, despair, dissociation, fascination, not feeling good about oneself, hallucinations, lack of understanding, obsessive love, loss of consciousness, confusion, trance.

During regression, the patient comes into contact with the past life which is brought into present by exploration: he/she can have bodily sensations, feel emotions, have inner visual perceptions (similar to oneiric images but experienced in a state of awareness) or have insights. PLT is a confrontational method which implies the patient’s reliving the respective trauma at a lower intensity, this time in the presence of a mature Self and of the therapist as well. The difference lies in the degree of awareness and although it is important that the reliving of the traumatic event should be made in an associative way (as if those things were really happening), when the patient’s emotions are too strong, dissociative working techniques can be used, so that the patient can see those very painful moments from a distance, like in a movie. If the processing has been made in a correct way, then the respective situation can be understood, accepted and then let go.
In this way, the process of catharsis which consists of three categories takes place:
– emotional release, which leads to peace, inner calm and self-confidence;
– mental catharsis, as a result of understanding the issue, by accessing mental peace, clarity and letting go of rigid beliefs;
– physical catharsis, which has as a consequence physical peace and the healing of psychosomatic issues.

Although, by each process of ‘letting go’, we invite a part of the blocked soul fragments to go into the light and become reintegrated with the parent Self, when making a regression in a past life, there is a very important step that is taken every time, namely the reliving the person’s death moment from that life. Most of the times, when a sudden death happened, a great part of the person’s soul is still attached to the body or it is unconsciously waiting in the astral levels. The first thing we need to do, as therapists, is to help that aspect become aware of the fact that only his/her physical body died and that he/she still lives because he/she is eternal; what needs to be accepted is the fact that for the time being he/she is no longer present on Earth, but in “Souls’ World”.
Then, the last part of the soul reintegration takes place, by gathering the parts which could still be captive in the body (especially where the physical or emotional wounds were) or in different traumatic moments of that life. It is also now that meeting the souls of the persons who played an important part in the respective context takes place again and it is checked if there are still energy parts that are captive in the other persons; then, the transfer is completed, so that everyone can recover its personal fragments and become complete. Then, the participating souls are sent towards the light or where ‘home’ is for them, and the present personality of the patient will preserve such a connection with the past subpersonality, so as to lead a balanced life, without more interferences than necessary or permitted by the divine Self.

To the end of the session, we can make connections with respect to the way in which the present life was influenced by the past one, which was the situation that caused the problem, what soul lessons took place and what is the patient’s responsibility related to everything that happened.

Of course, the process is more complex and therefore, several years are necessary for perfecting the method, but for the time being, without going into too many technical details, I will present a case that I have recently processed and which represents a good example for the reintegration of soul fragments. Another reason why I have chosen this case is the intensity of the patient’s emotional experience and physical sensations; the patient had not undergone a regression session before, thus not knowing what to expect, a case in which there is highly unlikely for the patient to make up something so as to be considered a good patient.

During the anamnesis, the patient tells me about her having lost the motivation and strength to go on and that she does not see any purpose to live for. Asking her whether she had experienced great suffering in life, she realizes she never had enough time to truly mourn her first miscarriage from her youth. While she is telling the story, she has a very strong feeling of inner emptiness and she feels her heart is hardened. At the same time, she feels physical and emotional pain and a very strong feeling of guilt.

The fall into regression happens in a natural way. Being attentive to her bodily sensations, she becomes aware that she feels something like a round stone in the right part of her pelvic zone. Further to my suggestion for her to go back in time where everything had started, the patient relives quite strongly those happened in her youth, namely the fear felt when she found out that she was pregnant, the despair that she could not continue her studies if she had decided to keep the baby, her parents’ pressure and, at the same time, her inner conflict, because her spiritual wish was to keep the baby. Moreover, at that time, abortions were forbidden by law, which increased her fear even more.

I led the patient further back on, where she relived the trauma of her loss, but this time at a bearable intensity and with a clearer conscience. At that time, the pain was very hard, especially because anesthesia had no effect on her, therefore there were also personal soul fragments that remained captive in that time and space. All her emotions from the past, such as guilt, pity, sadness, impossibility to change things, constraint, fury, frustration, etc. are brought into her conscience and expressed. All these emotions were constantly experienced by the patient in her everyday life, without being aware of their source.

Being asked what she wished to do now for her child, she says she wants to show it her love. That is also the healing moment of the session, when “an explosion of love for her child” takes place. She tells the child’s soul that she was sorry for what she did, that she had wished to keep it, but, at that time, she had no choice. She has the feeling that the child’s umbilical cord (that was energetically fixed on her liver) breaks away, at the same time releasing that part of hardened energy now transformed into something pink and more fluid. She comes back to the child’s soul that was now radiating a shining green color.
Then, she has the feeling that her previous hip gap is being filled with something belonging to her; she actually feels how her right hip is being woven back energetically and repaired. The physical catharsis having been completed and with her soul complete, she can now focus on understanding why that soul had chosen her as a mother and what was the contract between them.
When asking her what exactly she would like to do with the physical body of the aborted child, she said she wanted to incinerate it and then spread the ashes in a little lake.
At the end of the regression, the patient feels that she has been forgiven and unchained and physically she feels that her body has been restored. Then, she thanks the child’s soul and sends it towards the light, coming back here and now.

Most of the times, a problem like the loss of motivation for living requires more sessions, but in the present case, the first step has been made and the results have appeared quite quickly. After this regression, certain things she had long wished to do and which had been blocked for some time for certain reasons started to become “unhardened”. The first thing she did was to buy herself a car and then find some land for a house with a yard, which she had wanted to build for a long time.

Analyzing this case, we can see how a part of the soul that was preparing itself for incarnation, being taken by surprise by the abortion induced, did not realize what had actually happened and remained attached to its mother. The fragment remained without any conscience and hardened until the moment of the therapeutic intervention, when it is let go and it can return into the light, to its rightful owner. At the same time, the mother’s soul comes back into contact with her body and the catharsis takes place.


Chirea, V., (2014), Soul Fragmentation. Consequences and the Reintegration of Lost Parts, Gestalt Books Publishing, Bucharest.
Rachele, S. (2013), Soul Integration, Living Awareness Productions, e-book.
TenDam, H. (1996), Deep Healing. A Practical Outline of Past-Life Therapy, Tasso Publishing, Amsterdam.


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